Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Due to an increase in reported COVID-19 cases, please remember to take precautions concerning your well-being as well as the well-being of others. Wear masks, socially distance and frequently wash your hands.
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System offers no cost, no order, drive-through COVID testing at Cherokee Medical Center, 1530 N. Limestone Street, Gaffney, South Carolina. Testing is available at this location Monday-Friday from 9am to 4pm.

In addition to the newly published statewide COVID-19 Vaccine Information Line (1-866-365-8110), the Upstate Public Health Region has created a local call center to assist Upstate residents in the following counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg, and Union.
The following numbers will be available from 8:30am-5pm, Monday through Friday and can be used to gain information on available COVID-19 vaccine appointments in the region:
1-864-707-0060 or 1-864-707-0061
The 866 statewide information line, noted above, is available 7 days a week from 7am to 7pm. The region information lines are not available after hours or weekends. If you or others were aware of the lines over the weekend and attempted to call, please try the numbers again today. You can also visit to identify locations that are accepting appointments for the COVID vaccine.
Reminder, we are currently still operating in Phase 1a of the vaccination rollout plan, which includes the 70 and older population. For more information on the phases, please visit
Stay healthy and safe!
PUBLIC NOTICE: Pursuant to order of Chief Justice Donald W. Beatty, South Carolina Supreme Court, the City of Gaffney has suspended all in-person hearings at the City of Gaffney Municipal Court until further notice.
Reporting Mask Ordinance Violations
In order to ensure that emergency calls to E-911 are not delayed, we ask anyone wishing to report a violation of the City of Gaffney’s mask ordinance to call the Gaffney Police Department at (864)489-8115. Please select option (7) to be transferred to the ON DUTY SUPERVISOR.

Gaffney Fire Department Coronavirus Plan Update:
In an effort to protect our employees as well as help stop the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Gaffney Fire Department is taking steps to limit exposure potential. The biggest impact that the public may see are the following…
- At least through the end of March, we are suspending all public education and scheduled public relations events.
- For the time being, because it is a life safety issue, we will continue to offer smoke alarms and install them. However, all request for smoke alarms should be made by phone at 864-487-8516 or online at
Also before the installation, you will be contacted and we will ask certain screening questions. Please do not take offense to this as we are only trying to protect all involved.
- We have also ceased all company fire inspections until further notice. Those businesses expecting a follow up inspection will receive that inspection once this has been lifted.
The Gaffney Fire Department is committed to providing the highest quality service to all citizens and visitors.

Gaffney Visitors Center & Art Gallery Coronavirus Plan Update:
In an effort to protect our employees, citizens and visitors, as well as help stop the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Gaffney Visitors Center and Art Gallery has reopened its doors with increased safety precautions.
Please note the following:
- Face masks are required for entry into the building.
- The Visitors Center asks that visitors do not enter the site if they are sick.
- A hand sanitizer station has been placed at the entrance for public use.
- The center will only allow 10 people in the building at one time, and asks that people maintain six feet of distance from one another.
- Sanitized pens will be available, and all hard surfaces will be cleaned between visitors.
- The Gaffney Visitors Center & Art Gallery will not be conducting any group tours at the moment.
- We can be reached via telephone during normal operating hours Monday – Friday (864-487-6244) or by email
The City of Gaffney and Gaffney Department of Marketing and Tourism are committed to providing the highest quality service to all citizens and visitors.